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         Complementary (alternative therapies used with modern medical system treatments) and Alternative (used instead of modern medical system treatments) are collectively termed “CAM Therapies”.  While the use of these therapies is growing, as of 2012, 18% of the population used natural products (supplements, herbs, vitamins), 11% used deep breathing techniques, 10% Yoga, Tai Chi or Qi Gong, 8% chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation, 8% meditation, 7% massage, 2% homeopathy, 2% progressive relaxation, and 2% guided imagery.  

         CAM therapies have in the past had relatively little research into their outcomes but an effort by the US Government and researchers around the US have demonstrated some of the treatments have proven benefit, albeit usually measurably small benefits.  Much of the research done by CAM therapists from 1990 to today do not meet the minimum study design standards to be considered proof.  Most are of the type “I did this technique and they got better”, not using any comparative group, control group, and the studies are enormously biased since the person performing the techniques have economic incentive for the technique to show positive results.  In some cases such as Chinese studies, most of the results and reviews of techniques are absurdly positive, not reproducible in any other environment other than China, and are not a pure evaluation of a technique (in Chinese medicine, multiple techniques are used simultaneously).  Therefore we discount studies performed in China as non-scientific and inherently biased.

         CAM Therapies are divided into 1. Medical systems (such as Ayurvedic, Traditional Chinese, Anthrosophic, Chiropractic, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, etc),  2. Substances (including chemicals sold as supplements, vitamins, herbs, essential oils, etc)  3. Bodywork (such as massage, aquatherapy, tai chi, etc)   4. Mindwork (hypnosis, meditation, etc. )  5. Energy therapies. 

         A summary of the major techniques in CAM medicine is found below along with scientific documentation if available.  The lack of scientific documentation does not mean a therapy does not work, but that it has not been tested and is simply speculative.  Many CAM therapies are speculative, and advertising for these are based on testimonials (individuals claiming great relief), historical use (has been used for hundreds of years), or claims based on animal or lab studies that have never been used in humans.  Therefore, many of the therapies are speculative, experimental, and do not rise to the standards of care required by the medical system in the US.  Testimonials are largely fabricated or based on placebo response.  Historical means there is a tradition of use, not that the treatment works.  Animal studies or lab studies do not translate directly into human results due to our different anatomies and physiologies.  These therapies are mainly unregulated or nearly unregulated by any authority or agency, and the safety or effectiveness of these therapies do not require proof.  They do result in injury and death, regardless of their claims of “safety”, but as they are unregulated, there is nothing that will be done to protect the population against their use except in extreme cases.

         Levels of evidence from highest to lowest used in this monograph are:

alpha level- systematic reviews of randomized controlled trials: these may uncover poor construction, biases, high dropout rates, statistical analysis aberrations, etc. that reduce the values of randomized controlled trials.

beta level- individual randomized controlled trials, 

gamma level- non-randomized trials with case controls, 

delta level- case series uncontrolled (frequently used in alternative medicine- no placebo control, sham control or comparative group; these types of studies are subject to extreme bias of the author since most of the data is collected and analyzed by the same person doing the trial, and without a control, placebo factors are of unknown significance but statistically play a role in 30-40% of trials.

epsilon level- case reports,

zeta level- animal experiments or lab studies, 

omega level- theoretical only, no evidence. 

The presence of alpha level evidence (for or against a procedure) is more important than everything below that level of evidence.  The lack of alpha evidence for or against a procedure or technique does not invalidate the intervention, but the next level down evidence is then weighted.  Most modern medical evidence is alpha or beta level.  Most alternative therapy evidence is delta, epsilon, or omega level.  But where higher levels of evidence exist for CAM therapies, they are presented here.  Sources of scientific studies information: National Library of Medicine

Active Release Technique
Alexander Technique
AMMA Therapy
Anti-Oxidant Function Testing
Anthroposophic Medicine
Anti-tumor Angiogenesis Factor
Applied Kinesiology
Art Therapy
Aura Healing
Auricular Candling
Auricular Therapy
Auto Urine Therapy
Awareness Through Movement
Ayurvedic Therapy
Bach Flower Therapy
Bee Sting Therapy
Bioelectric Functions Diagnosis (BFD)
Bioenergetic Therapy
Biomagnetic Pair
Biomagnetic Therapy
Bioresonance Therapy
Bovine Cartilage
Bovine Tracheal Cartilage
Callahan Techniques Training
Cao Gio
Cellular Therapy
Chakra Healing
Chelation Therapy
Chinese Pulse Diagnosis
Chios Energy Healing
Chung Moo Doe Therapy
Clear Passage Therapy
Cold Laser Therapy
Coin Rubbing
Colloidal Silver
Colonic Cleansing/Irrigation/Lavage
Color Therapy
Computerized Electrodermal Stress Analysis (CEDSA)
Conceptual Mind-Body Techniques
Contact Reflex Analysis
Craniosacral Therapy (CST)
Crystal Healing
Dance Movement Therapy (DMT)
Ear Candling
Ear Seeds
Eclectic Medicine
Egoscue Method
Electrodermal Stress Analysis
Electrodermal Testing (EDT)
Electrodiagnosis According to Voll (EAV)
Electrodynamic Screening (EDS)
Electromagnetic Therapy
Electromedical Horizontal Therapy
Electroneuromedular Medicine
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
Essential Metabolics Analysis (EMA)
Essential Metabolic and Fatty Acid Analysis (EMFA)
Essential Oils
Essiac Tea
Faith Healing
Flower Essence
Fresh Cell Therapy
Functional Intracellular Analysis
Functional Medicine
Gemstone Therapy
Gerson Therapy
Gestalt Therapy
Graston Technique
Gua Sha
Guided Imagery
Hair Analysis
Hako-Med Machine
Human Placental Tissue
Humor Therapy
Hydrazine Sulfate
Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy
Hydrolysate Injections
Insulin Potentiation Therapy
Intercessory Prayer
Inversion Therapy
Juvent Platform for Dynamic Motion Therapy
Laughter Therapy
Low Level Laser Therapy
Live Cell Therapy
Macrobiotic Diet
Magnet Therapy
Magnetic Field Therapy
Mattei Cancer Cure
Medical Biomagnetism
Megavitamin Therapy
Meridian Energy Therapy
Meridian Therapy
Micronutrient Testing
Millimeter Wave Therapy
Monochromatic Infrared Light Energy Therapy
Muscle Strength Testing
Music Therapy
Myofascial Release
Naturopathic Medicine
Neural Organization Technique
Neural Therapy
Neural Tension Technique
Neuro Emotional Technique
Orthomolecular Medicine
Ozone Therapy
Polarity Therapy
Pranic Healing
Primal Therapy
Prism Glasses
Psychic Healing
Qigong Longevity Exercises
Ream's Testing
Reflex Therapy
Regenokine Therapy
Remedial Massage
Revici's Guided Chemotherapy
Rife Therapy
Rubenfeld Synergy Method
Soft Laser Therapy
Spinal Reflex Therapy
Structural Integration
Tapping Therapy
Telomere Testing
Therapeutic Eurythmy
Therapeutic Humor
Therapeutic Laser
Therapeutic Touch
Thermoauricular Therapy
Thermogenic Therapy
Thought Field Therapy
Trager Approach
Trichuris Suis Ova Therapy
Ultrasound Therapy
Vibrational Essences
Visceral Manipulation Therapy
Water Cure
Whitcomb Technique
Whole System HealthScan
Wurn Technique
Yoga Therapy
Zero Balancing
Zone Therapy

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CAM/ALT Therapy Index
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