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Faith healing-

Randomized trials have shown faith healing has no effect on health outcome.  Intercessory prayer did show a very small improvement in pain.  The primary finding was that unless the person believed in prayer initially, there was no detectable insurance (2004 Jun;10(3):438-48 Journal Altern Complement Med) was there any improvement.  There are no published randomized or series trials on faith healers effect on pain or any malady.  That being said, prayer is frequently used in chronic disease in the US and around the world, and certain ethnicities employ prayer more than others (Pain Manag. 2014 Nov;4(6):389-406).  On the contrary, high degrees of religiousness are directly related to the presence of headaches. (Cephalalgia 2015 Mar;35(3):240-7).  Faith healing is distinct and separate to spiritualism or religious beliefs of the patient since in the latter two issues, these are integrated into several healing systems including yoga, etc.

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