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Qigong longevity exercises (chi-kung): 

Qigong is a coordinated body posture, movement, breathing, and meditation system.  This ancient Chinese exercise system aims to stimulate and balance the flow of qi (chi), or vital energy, along the acupuncture meridians, or energy pathways. Qi gong is used to reduce stress, improve blood circulation, enhance immune function, and treat a variety of health conditions. The Qi (vital energy) is combined with Gong (skill cultivated through steady practice).  Like Tai Chi, the exercise movements are slow and gentle, bringing muscle tone and increased flexibility to tendons and ligaments.There is evidence (alpha level) that qigong helps treat blood pressure in hypertensive patients (Pak J Pharm Sci. 2018 Jan;31(1):237-244., Medicine (Baltimore). 2017 Nov;96(45):e8517.)  There is a significant improvement in symptoms in cancer patients (Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2017 Nov;29:111-121).

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