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Chakra Healing-

Chakra healing is an energy field therapy that uses the concept of the 7 major chakras or energy centers, that are located in the midline from above the head to below the pelvis.  They are defined as the “openings for life energy to flow into and out of our aura. Their function is to vitalize the physical body and to bring about the development of our self-consciousness. They are associated with our physical, mental and emotional interactions. “  They are invisible but “can be perceived intuitively by trained energy workers.” The energy workers claim to be able to determine which chakras are functioning properly and which are working overtime.  The theory is that if some of the chakras are performing at a reduced level, the others have to pick up the slack, leading to a “blowout” of a healthy chakra. There is little proof there is any validity to the technique, a paucity of studies that are of low quality, and many “case studies” subject to bias.  Chakra healing for pain has not been demonstrated by scientific standards to be effective.

Painbytes assessment: energy therapies are largely quackery since there is no scientific proof they work.  Should be avoided.  Two thumbs down. 

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