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Bioenergetic therapy –

This is a form of body psychotherapy developed by Alexander Lowen and John Pierrakos, students of William Reich.  The idea behind this treatment is that blocks to emotional expression and wellness are expressed in the body as chronic muscle tensions that are often subconscious.  The blocks are treated by combining bioenergetically designed physical exercises, affective expressions, and palpation of the muscular tensions.   The therapist “reads the body of the patient, resonates with its energy, feels the emotions, listens, hears and answers the words. This therapy is supposedly used in sexual healing.   There is no scientific evidence of efficacy.   Painbytes assessment: all energy healing therapies have no basis in science, have no proof of efficacy, and using such systems to diagnose and direct therapies are dangerous since they delay or misdiagnose disease.  Two thumbs down.

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