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Vibrational essences-

These are derived from stems, roots, bulbs and buds of flowers, minerals/gems, animals, the environment, light sources such as the stars and moon, and other healing energies such as Reiki.  Vibrational essences are made by placing a plant or mineral or other substance beside (or sometimes in) a bowl of water, let it stand in the sun for a few hours, then bottled and preserved with brandy. No, folks, as bizarre as it may seem, I am not simply making this stuff up- those selling this stuff actually believe it.  Unlike essential oils or aromatherapy, these vibrational essences are watered down and preserved with brandy.  Sometimes they are produced in a liquid form, sometimes in an ointment/crème form, and have no odor nor any flavor.  Users are encouraged to drink this stuff.  According to the manufacturer- “Vibrational essences create a shift in awareness within the individual by strengthening and balancing their subtle bodies. They focus on their surrounding energy bodies, as well as the individual cells and chakras of the physical body. When an essence is used, it sets up internally a vibration that corresponds to the healing being asked for. For example, the gem essence Rose Quartz may be used to assist someone searching for love to find a love of their higher self and the love that the universe has for them.”   There are no alpha or beta studies to support the use of these bizarre products.

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