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Guided imagery-

is effectively using the imagination to image a desired future or cellular level processes in addition to others.  Guided imagery uses primarily the visual, but also subconscious imagery.  The proponents claim it has the capacity to deliver layers of complex, encoded messages by way of simple symbols and metaphors.   It is claimed it can heal many diseases, lower cholesterol, heighten the immune system, reduce blood loss during surgery, and lessen pain and headaches.  It can purportedly increase skill at skiing, skating, tennis, writing, acting, and singing, and can induce weight loss and reduce anxiety.   While most of the claims are non-sense, it cannot be argued that there is some evidence of marginal effectiveness in improving depression in fibromyalgia patients and a slight and barely statistically significant improvement in pain. (Holist Nurs Pract 2015 Jan-Feb: 29(1):13-21)  however another randomized control trial found no effect of guided imagery on fibromyalgia (J. Health Psychol 2014 May; 19(5):678-88).   A slight effect of graded motor imagery was found in a systematic review of all randomized controlled trials for chronic pain. (J. Pain 2013 Jan; 14(1):3-13).  A review of the clinical trials of guided imagery for non-musculoskeletal pain demonstrated a significant reduction of pain in 11 out of 15 trials but the quality of the trials was generally poor.  (J. Pain Symptom Manage. 2012 Jul:44(1):95-104)   A review of the clinical trials of guided imagery for musculoskeletal pain showed significant reduction of pain in 8 out of 9 trials but the quality of the trials was generally very low.  A clinical trial showed decrease pain, anxiety and improved mood and quality of life in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (Psychol Health 2012:27(12):1463-79).   Although guided imagery is considered “investigational” by some insurers, it is clear there are some positive benefits, the therapy can be self directed and is therefore inexpensive, has no significant negative impacts, does not require proprietary equipment or training.  Painbytes assessment is one thumb up.

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