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Anthroposophic medicine-

Category-  Medical system

Description- Alternative medical system

History - Created by Rudolf Steiner (1861-1921) and Ita Wegman (1876-1943) based on Steiner’s spiritual philosophy he called anthroposophy (human wisdom).  Steiner was an Austrian social reformer, architect, and esotericist who founded Anthroposophy. He is considered the father of Waldorf education, biodynamic agriculture, anthroposophical medicine, and spiritual science. 

Touted Benefits

Evidence of Effectiveness


This is an alternative medical system created by Rudolf Steiner (1861-1921) and Ita Wegman (1876-1943) based on Steiner’s spiritual philosophy he called anthroposophy (human wisdom).  This type of medicine is practiced in over 80 countries as a fringe type of medicine, using massage, exercise, counseling, alchemy, eurythmy,and ultra-dilute substances similar to homeopathy.  This type of medicine teaches patient’s past lives influence their illness, and the course of an illness is subject to a “karmic destiny”. Most practitioners are antivaccination.  Generally most of this alternative medicine type has no basis in science and is recognized as ineffective when subjected to scientific controls.  Anthroposophy touted the application of science to spiritual experiences, believing through imagination, inspiration and intuition that inner development could be obtained. Steiner believed in astral bodies.  Steiner believed in human reincarnation and that early humans had clairvoyant capabilities that were lost through excessive reliance on intellectualism. He also believed that all other species devolved from the human species, in exact contrast to Darwin who believed in the evolution of species.  He also believed Lucifer motivated humans in creativity and spirituality and offers the “delusion of divinity”.  The counterpart, Ahriman is the counterpart of Lucifer that tempts humans to deny their link with divinity and embrace a materialistic existence.

The precepts of anthroposophy are embedded in anthroposophic medicine.  There is no alpha or beta level evidence of effectiveness of anthroposophic medicine.  It is largely considered to be quack medicine throughout much of the world.

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