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Ultrasound (US) therapy-

Ultrasound 5-10 watts has been used by physical therapists for decades in the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions.

US for myofascial pain review of RCTS- found high levels of bias in the studies making the level of evidence very low.  US did significantly reduce pain intensity but had no effect on range of motion (J Pain Res 2017 Mar 7;10:545-555).   For rotator cuff disease, US significantly reduced pain and function compared to placebo, but only short term (Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2016 Jun 10;(6):CD012225).   A RCT found US to be ineffective in the treatment of chronic low back pain (Ann Fam Med 2013 Mar-Apr;11(2):122-9).  A review of US for acute ankle sprains found minimal differences for true US vs sham US (Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2012 Jun;48(2):325-34).  For treatment of knee osteoarthritis, a systematic review found a medium clinical effect on pain and physical function after ultrasound treatment.  The quality of the trials was low (Osteoarthritis Cartilage 2010 Sep;18(9:1117-26)

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