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Polarity Therapy

this “energy” therapy was developed by Dr. Randoph Stone, a chiropractor and osteopath (DO) who was born in Austria in 1890 and died In 1981. He developed the idea that the body has “poles”, a positive charge at the head, and negative charge at the feet with a high frequency energy running between them called “life energy” or in other cultures called prana or chi.  These concepts have never been validated scientifically and remain conjecture.  He believed there is only one disease of the body- the blockage of energy from between the poles, and that all pain and illness is due to energy imbalance.  His method of correction of the disruption of energy flow is by holding the hands over the body or molding the hands around parts of the body, then combining with a rocking motion.  The therapist encourages the “energy to move” and can “break up congestion in the tissues and enliven the area”.  He also developed the “Stone Squat” and Polarity Yoga.  There is no scientific evidence this therapy has any validity or effect.  There were no scientific citations found in the national library of medicine database on polarity therapy

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