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Rife therapy/Rife machine- Royal Raymond Rife, an American scientist developed in the 1920s a machine called the Rife frequency generator that generates low energy electromagnetic waves.  He claimed each disease has its own frequency, and tuning a frequency generator to the same frequency will kill or disable diseased cells.  He also believed all cancer is caused by bacteria, and claimed his machine could detect the bacteria by the color of the auras they emitted.  Pads are placed on the hands or feet for a few minutes a day, several times a week.  The cost of the machines are typically $300-3000.  The machines are not approved by the FDA, have no scientific proof of effectiveness, and are effectively a scam perpetuated on those easily duped.  The machine would have all but disappeared but for a conspiracy theory book called “The Cancer Cure that Worked!: Fifty Years of Suppression” published in 1987 that claimed all reports describing the cure were censored by the head of the AMA from publication in all medical journals.

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