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Chung Moo Doe therapy-

The word chung means true or correct with the abstract meanings of mental or mind.  Moo is Chinese for military with the abstract meanings physical or body.  Doe is Chinese for road, way, path, truth. This therapy is a combination of 8 martial arts and is more a body therapy than mind therapy, but encompasses both.  It emphasizes correct breathing with Qi Gong breathing, Tai Chi movements, Tae Kwon Do, Samurai, Ju Jitsu, Kung Fu, Ship Pal Gae, Bagwa.  Since several of these martial arts have been demonstrated to improve flexibility and improve pain, the Chung Moo Doe therapy would be expected to also improve chronic pain.  There are no specific studies for the combined therapies effect however.   Painbytes assessment: neutral given the lack of any specific studies but given that each component has movement therapies that could be useful.

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