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Category- body technique, a take off from acupuncture, using an acupuncture needle with a broadend blade tip: effectively a scalpel

History- Developed by Zhu Han Zhang of China in 1985

Protocol- used over muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints to "break up scar tissue", usually daily for 2-3 weeks

Training- acupuncture schools frequently offer this training

Level of evidence- Disclaimer- Chinese Studies- many Chinese studies are not reproducible in Western Cultures due to multiple therapies being employed, unique diagnosis such as third lumbar transverse process syndrome that does not exist in Western cultures, and unorthodox ideations such as heart disease being caused by cervical spondylosis.  There are ONLY Chinese studies regarding acupotomy, therefore all the evidence below may be invalid.  

ALPHA LEVEL: It is more effective than acupuncture, and the patient is more quickly able to resume normal activities, and is more effective than control patients for chronic non-specific neck pain. A total of ten trials involving 433 patients were enrolled. The pooled analysis indicated that acupotomy therapy showed a significant improving short-term and long-term effect on effective rate and cure rate. Meta-analysis demonstrated that acupotomy therapy group was superior to control group in restoring cervical lordosis and debasing VAS score. The result of continuous data did not support statistical significance of acupotomy therapy in adjusting clinical symptom score. For adverse events, acupotomy group did not reveal obvious superiority compared to control group. (Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2017;2017:6197308.) 

BETA LEVEL:  60 knee arthritis patients were divided into ultrasound guided acupotomy groups and electroacupuncture groups.  Both groups demonstrated significant improvements in pain with the acupotomy group improving significantly more and activities of daily living improving more in the acupotomy group. (J Tradit Chin Med 2016 Aug;36(4):450-5).  Hip pain scores for those with avascular necrosis improved in 90% with acupotomy and 75% with traditional acupuncture (Zhongguo Zhen Jiu 2016 Oct 12;36(10):1031-5)

Beta negative studies- No difference in outcomes of lumbar and cervical disc herniations using ultrasound guided acupotomy vs non-ultrasound guided acupotomy  (Zhongguo Zhen Jiu 2013 Nov;33(11):1028-32)


Harms- Death has been reported from acupotomy due to acute pharyngeal hemorrhage (Fa Yi Xue Za Shi 2015 Aug;31(4):317-19)

An acupuncture technique that uses a small needle-scalpel invented by Zhu Hanzhang  around 1985 in China.  The needle is much wider than a regular acupuncture needle, and the blade is used to break up scar tissue inside muscle or skin.  Instead of a long needle, the acupotomy needle is wider and has a round plastic head on top of the shorter needle.  

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