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Egoscue method-

Is a physical therapy postural correction designed to “Stop Chronic Pain”.    This system is taught through “Egoscue University” that offers proprietary method courses that are online in several different levels.  Generally 6 months is required for the level of certification required to open a clinic.  It does not seem according to the website that any prerequistes are required.  The patients are taught “E-cises” that are designed for postural correction that is stated on the egoscue website to reduce pain.  Egoscue’s method is based on many older methods including chiropractic, osteopathic, feldenkrais, rolfing, yoga, etc and is in no means revolutionary, but is an excellent synthesis of other ideas.   Peter Egoscue appears to believe his method can cure pain but there is little evidence in the literature for this.  Painbytes assessment:  movement and posture methods are generally favorable for pain therefore even in the absence of specific proof for this, a mildly positive recommendation is given to the Egoscue method

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