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Functional intracellular analysis

is also called micronutrient testing.  This test is an intracellular (as opposed to the usually performed serum) analysis of vitamin and mineral levels.  Advocates claim that intracellular nutrient status is superior to serum testing, however there is little proof of this.  The relationship between serum and intracellular levels of micronutrients is complex.  The balance depends upon a number of factors including the physiology of cellular transport mechanisms and the individual cell type.  Aetna, some Blue Cross insurers, and others consider the testing investigational, ie. without scientific proof of effectiveness.  Functional intracellular analysis is frequently used by chiropractors who lack the ability to prescribe medications, and instead rely on nutrients as an ineffective way to treat many diseases.  Joint pain is produced by hypothyroidism and chiropractors address joint pain in some cases with nutrients.  Painbytes assessment: two thumbs down.  This type of analysis is indeed an alternative medical system with little science behind it and can cause serious injury to patients needing traditional medical care

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