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Naturopathic medicine:

This primary health care system emphasizes the curative power of nature and treats acute and chronic illnesses in all age groups. Naturopathic physicians work to restore and support the body's own healing ability using a variety of modalities including nutrition, herbal medicine, homeopathic medicine, and Asian medicine.  They eschew vaccinations and attempt to thwart the public vaccination programs.  Their training is very checkered with some having 1-2 year training programs and no residency while others have a 4 year training program without any residency.  Some will grind up plants and inject them intravenously.  Licensure is inconsistent with some states not requiring any licensure at all, yet they can prescribe medications including narcotics in some states.  They prescribe supplements calling them "natural" but in fact supplements as made in the US come from chemical stocks produced in chemical plants in China, and there is nothing "natural" about these substances.

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