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Remedial massage-

Practitioners of this therapy try to differentiate themselves from other massage therapists by taking a clinical approach to diagnosis of the cause of the problem with muscles, tendons, and ligament producing pain before initiating the massage.  They take a detailed history (unlike most massage therapies) and observe range of motion of various parts of the body.  If there is a limitation of a range of motion or a specific habit or body posture/movement of the patient that can cause the pain, then they employ techniques to correct not only the pain at a location, but also the predisposing factors for the pain.  Some of the techniques employed are myofascial release, mobilization of the spine, and cross fiber friction therapy.  Some of these therapies may cause some pain at the time they are employed.  Although there are no medical publications in the National Library of Medicine database with the term "Remedial massage", this technique is a type frequently employed by physical therapists and chiropractors as a form of kinesiotherapy and is an expansion of classical massage technique that includes diagnosis and etiology identification. 

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