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Regenokine therapy-

This is effectively a name brand used for platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy, a commonly used method for treatment of various inflammatory and joint diseases.  Typically PRP involves spinning down a persons blood and then aspirating or decanting off the layer rich in platelets, then injecting them back into the patient’s inflamed area.  Regenokine refers to the trademarked sequence of the process and the equipment used to perform the process, however there are no studies identified by the National Library of Congress specifically using Regenokine, and it is only an assumption that other PRP studies apply to the Regenokine procedure.  Doctors using Regenokine typically report a 75% success rate- a far higher rate reported in the literature, therefore Regenokine statistics may simply be marketing hype.   Alpha level evidence shows the early results of small studies involving PRP are not reproducible or supported by higher level studies, randomized controlled trials, in treatment of acute muscle injuries (Sports Med. 2018 Jan 23.)  There is support for small improvements in short and long term pain in tendon and ligament injuries (Am J Sports Med. 2017 Dec 1:363546517743746).  The highest level studies show a significant improvement in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee (Int J Rheum Dis. 2017 Nov;20(11):1612-1630.)  There is very low quality evidence PRP helps with wound healing or plantar fasciitis.   As with other interventions, Chinese-author studies typically report much better outcomes in their reviews than non-Chinese authors and publications- suggesting a culture bias by Chinese authors.Reflex Therapy

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