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AMMA Massage

Category:  Bodywork

Description: AMMA is an ancient Chinese form of massage using a combination of massage techniques including strokes, vibrations, and manipulations in order to stimulate the flow of qi energy within the body and hypothesized (mainly by therapists without any evidence) to increase lymphatic flow.  Classic AMMA massage is just that, however modern therapists have bastardized the original AMMA by adding Western techniques including chiropractic and nutrition therapy with supplements-that did not exist in the time of development of AMMA.  AMMA Therapy is a registered trademark that carries AMMA to the extreme of a medical diagnostic system plus therapy, with AMMA therapists appearing to believe they have expertise in many areas of alternative medicine and Western medicine even though many have no medical training at all.  ANMA is the Japanese form of AMMA that exists primarily as massage.


History:  Although many claim AMMA extends back 5,000 years but this is because those citing such are uneducated to terminology, citing the time of the Yellow Emperor (2600 BC) instead of the Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic Books or Huangdi Neijing (2nd century BC).   The Huangdi Neijing, is where the ideas behind Amma Massage were first recorded.  It contains both Daoist (Taoist) theory and lifestyle in addition to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) fundamental philosophies that are are enshrined in this book.  These include concepts such as Yin and Yang, Qi, and the Five Elements discussed in relation to a person’s health. The book explains that the forces of the universe that exist everywhere naturally also exist in human beings. By bringing these forces into balance within a person’s body, disease can be eliminated. 

Touted Benefits:  Diabetes, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, asthma, bronchitis, hypertension, muscle strain, and neuromuscular diseases.  Also relaxation of stress, "stimulating the release of toxins", and feelings of isolation are reduced. 

Protocol:  Typically AMMA is performed with the patient fully clothed with the practitioner observing the patient "in a holistic sense", watching the body language, considering how the patient smells, how the patient talks, and gains an understanding of the emotional distress the patient is in currently.  Different vibrations, manipulations, and strokes are used in AMMA while the practitioner is talking, inundating the patient with information about "meridians", Qi, and other  TCM concepts in addition to suggesting herbal therapies and nutrition.

Training: Anyone trained in massage therapy can say they are practicing AMMA since there is no national AMMA credentialing body.  AMMA is not recognized by states as separate from massage therapy.  Currently, there are AMMA Therapy (registered trade mark) programs but very few AMMA programs outside of AMMA Therapy


BETA LEVEL: A small poorly designed study of AMMA therapy vs. some other intervention (not disclosed in abstract) used on nurses after working 12 hour shifts demonstrated decreased anxiety more in the AMMA group, but there was no difference in change in physiologic parameters between groups. (J N Y State Nurses Assoc. 2003 Spring-Summer;34(1):16-24)  

EPSILON LEVEL (very low level): A nurse dissing the medical profession gives her esteemed opinions on AMMA therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome (J Holist Nurs 1993 Jun;11(2):172-82)

RECOMMENDATION: One thumb down- lack of evidence, unproven tenets, touting uses that have no literature support

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