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Neural Organization Technique (NOT)
Category: Chiropractic Fringe Technique, an offshoot of Applied Kinesiology and Craniosacral Therapy
Description:  Proponents claim the skull is an extension of the spine, and that "blocked neural pathways" are caused by misaligned bones.  By manipulating these bones, the blocked neural pathways may be released, and therefore many medical conditions can be cured.  But the bones of the skull are fused by age two and can be broken but not manipulated. According to Ferreri, "Neural Organisation Technique is unique in other ways not found in other treatment protocols. The NOT examination and treatment protocols take into account the body’s awareness of itself and the circumstances of life as it is lived. Eyes open and closed, light and dark and half-light conditions (dawn, dusk, etc) and various eye directions are a normal part of the usual examination and treatment procedures. Also considered are changing body positions (getting up from sitting or lying), cold, heat, walking, jumping, running, sitting in the car, etc. which very often influence the memory of the circumstances surrounding the condition. These circumstances, when included in the treatment protocol, are almost always key to successful treatment and usually make for rapid and successful conclusions to any condition."
According to Stephen Barrett, " NOT came to public attention in 1988 when chiropractors subjected children to it in a "research" program sponsored by school officials in Del Norte County, California. For five months, dozens of children from age four to sixteen, with epilepsy, Down's syndrome, cerebral palsy, dyslexia, and various other learning disorders, were "treated" by having their skull compressed with viselike hand pressure. The children were also forced to endure painful thumb pressure against the roof of the mouth and finger pressure against their eyes. According to news reports, the children struggled, cried, and screamed as they were forcibly restrained. One reportedly experienced his first seizure when his eye sockets were "adjusted." Some of the children became violent, explosive, rebellious, uncontrollable, and lacking in self-motivation and drive. In 1991, a jury ordered Ferreri to pay $565,000 in damages to seven children and their parents who had filed suit for physical and emotional pain related to the treatment. Two other chiropractors involved in the case settled out of court for a total of $207,000."
History:  Originated out of the mind of Carl A. Ferreri, D.C. from New York City in 1979.  Ferreri claimed he made many original discoveries about the function of the human body hitherto not known to mankind. Ferreri had exposure to the teachings of the International College of Applied Kinesiology for ten years, studying with the founder of Applied Kinesiology.  Trevor Savage, a person with a "Naturopathic Diploma" in Australia became the first "Certified" practitioner of NOT in 1995 after having studied with Ferreri for 6 years.   Ferreri claimed he has trained hundreds of chiropractors in this technique.
Touted Uses: Learning disorders, cerebral palsy, schizophrenia, Down's syndrome, colorblindness, bedwetting, nightmares, and various other problems.
Protocol: A series of manipulations involving pressure and multiple manipulations including the skull with the patient clothed, usually in the supine position.
Training: The defunct International Association of Specialised Kinesiologists introduced thousands around the world to NOT.  NOT developed manuals on NOT techniques, and offers training in 3 modules over 16 days that will make you a "Diplomate of NOT".  Currently there are 20 in the world according to and 32 practitioners in the world according to  Training costs a significant amount of money.
There are no studies in the National Library of Medicine scientific literature about this technique.  Samuel Homola, D.C. states in that "Neural Organization Technique (N.O.T.) practitioners claim they 'can address almost any deficit which can befall the human condition by organizing and reorganizing the central nervous system.' They use Applied Kinesiology muscle-testing as a diagnostic aid in identifying food allergies, cranial respiration dysfunction (impaired circulation of cerebrospinal fluid), and other problems claimed to be causing such conditions as Attention Deficit Disorder, epilepsy, Down syndrome, and congestive heart failure. Treatment may range from adjusting the skull bones (correcting "cranial faults') to changing the diet. I consider N.O.T to be total nonsense."
HARMS: as listed above.  There is one citation regarding the development of a subdural hematoma with temporal bone fracture from chiropractic manipulation that was treated surgically (J Emerg Med 1989 Nov-Dec;7(6):615-7)
RECOMMENDATION: Avoid. Two thumbs down.  No validated research, potential harms, only a few practitioners using it according to websites.

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