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Ayurvedic Therapy-  

Practiced in India for more than 5000 years, Ayurvedic tradition holds that illness is a state of imbalance among body systems that can be detected through diagnostic procedures such as reading the pulse and observing the tongue. The use of a multitude of therapies are used including enemas, purgation, modified fasting, dietary advice, lifestyle advice, manual treatments, phytotherapy, yoga, meditation, and music/mantra are used as treatments to address nearly all diseases treated by western medicine. Human clinical trials for osteoarthritis show large clinical and statistical effects for the medication Rumalaya compound and to a lesser degree Shunti-Guduchi are useful. (Rheumatol Int 2015 Feb:35(2) 211-32.  There is some evidence Bacopa monnieri has strong antidepressant effects and pain killing effects.  It utilizes the Cox-2 inhibitory mechanism (same as Celebrex) and augments morphine analgesia, opioid induced hyperalgesia, and is a moderately powerful pain medication. (Curr Med Chem 2013;20(8):1028-37).    Other anti-inflammatory and pain killer meds include Adiantum capillus veneris Linn and Mesua ferrea Linn (Cobra’s saffron).   Polyherb therapy for rheumatoid arthritis has been demonstrated with Tinospora cordifolia and Zingiber officinale (Clin Rheumatol 2012 Feb;31(2):259-269).  There is animal model evidence of the analgesic and hypnotic effect of Laghupanchamula in rats (Ayu. 2014 Jan;35(1):79-84).  There are safety concerns with this medication as there have been reports of lead poisoning with Ayurvedic medications given that they are not assayed for safety (J Gen Intern Med 2012 Oct;27(10):1384-6,  J Hematol Oncol 2011 Dec 20;4:51,   Acta Clin Belg 2008 Jan-Feb;63(1):42-45,  N Z Med J 2006 May 5:119(1233):U1958,  Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2005 Dec 24:149(52);2893-6,   Med Klin (Munich) 2004 Aug 15;99(8);476-80

Painbytes assessment: neutral: safety concerns of lead poisoning are real however, there are several well constructed studies demonstrate effectiveness.

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