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Active release technique-

Category: Alternative body technique, diagnostic and therapeutic; a type of aggressive massage

Description: Active release a registered trademark, calls itself “The Gold Standard in Soft Tissue Treatment”.  It is a technique patented by a chiropractor, that allegedly uses the hands to determine texture, tightness, and movement of the muscles, fascia, tendons, ligaments and nerves then uses 500 specific unique movements (stretching muscles and tendons and applying pressure to break down scar tissue) to correct the problems in addition to precisely directed tension with very specific patient movements.  It is touted as being painful by some patients descriptions as the practitioner using their fingers and thumbs trying to get under the muscle and lift it off the body.   While the diagnostic side of active release is highly questionable the therapeutic element has some support.  Aetna describes it as being “similar to some massage techniques, albeit more aggressive”   It is considered experimental by Aetna insurance.

History: Created, pioneered, developed and patented by a chiropractor, P. Michael Leahy, DC in 1984.

Touted usefulness: adhesions, scar tissue, carpal tunnel syndrome, "nerve and blood vessel entrapment", repetitive strains, chronic back pain, joint dysfunction, muscle sprain, shoulder or knee or elbow pain, shin splints, etc. 

Protocol: multiple sessions usually required

Training: a series of training sessions are available at a cost of $1200-$1400 each

Levels of evidence:  Beta-There is an immediate effectiveness in patients with adductor (groin) strains in a small pilot study.  (J Bodyw Mov Ther 2011 Jan;15(1):57-62)  There is Delta level evidence it helps with hamstring flexibility (J Manipulative Physiol Ther  2006 Mar-Apr;29(3):224-7)

Recommendation: Two thumbs down for the diagnostic element:  neutral on the therapeutic element due to lack of significant evidence of effectiveness


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