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Orgonomy-the study of “life energy”, named orgone energy by Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957) who made up the term and the name orgonomy.  Reich created his own lexicon describing “bions”, that were stated to be “tiny, highly-charged and very motile vesicles that were the transitional elements between life and non-life”.  He filmed these under a microscope therefore attempting to impart some science to these fantasies.  He stated the vesicles gather in clumps and form organisms, and there is a published book on “Experiments with the Microscope for the Amateur Orgonomist”.  Reich also found some of his “bions” gave out radiation that produced sensation in observers with “noticeable physical effects”.  He termed this radiation “life energy” which he named orgone after its origin in his study of orgasm function, and devised an apparatus to concentrate this energy called the “Orgone Accumulator”.  Reich elaborated this discovery into laying the foundation of orgonomic medicine, biology, physics, meteorology, and cosmology.   There is even an American College of Orgonomy.  However there are no scientific publications, and some websites go out of their way to chastise science for not accepting orgonomy at face value.  Orgonomy is used as a fringe psychological therapy.  Recommendation: avoid. 

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